Mr good cat


My name is Giosue Petaccia, aka "Mr good cat", I was born in Pescara in 1981, my uncle was the owner of a small nightclub called blu moon (I celebrated my baptism there, so I can say that I was born in clubs: ) being from the 80s I was influenced by the sound of synthesizers and disco music, at the tender age of 13 I started listening to underground and house music, I had experience as a DJ on a radio place called Skipper radio, I have good memories of that period, I always played house music in the afternoon and the owner of the radio called me back telling me that that wasn't the time to broadcast that kind of music, in any case I did my own thing, I didn't I received no monetary compensation, a few years ago I decided to get back into the game, two or three times a month I perform in small clubs in my city, and now I'm happy to have become a resident here in Ibiza stardust, in my next sets I hope to make you dance and get excited exactly like me when I listen to music, I am also raising a son alone, and I hope to pass on this beautiful passion to him, see you soon and follow me on Instagram thanks.