DJ Dibben was born and raised in Italy and is currently living in Florida. She grew up in a household of artists: her father is a writer and plays guitar, her mother loves to sing, her niece is a professional cello player and her two brothers play several musical instruments. One of them is also a music producer and DJ Dibben collaborated in several of his tracks as lyrics writer. One track in particular, Calling Your Name by Lady Violet, gained a lot of popularity in Europe. “Growing up music was always playing at my house” she says, “and it stuck with me over the years”. When DJ Dibben heard House music playing for the first time she was hooked. “I couldn’t get over how beautiful the sounds were, I knew it was different and something amazing that touched me deeply”. As a result, she felt the next natural step for her was to become a House, Deep House and Nu-Disco DJ. DJ Dibben also plays percussions, has taken electric bass classes, has written several instrumentals and is currently remixing some tracks and playing a few local gigs.MixcloudSoundcloudInstagram